Wayne LaPierre says America must do everything to protect first responders. All firemen should be armed! If New York firefighters had carried automatic weapons instead of firehoses to burning building…

Gunman who ambushed firefighters killed grandmother in 1980, police say

By Jason White, NBC News

The gunman who ambushed four volunteer firefighters, killing two, in upstate New York had spent 17 years in prison for beating his grandmother to death with a hammer in 1980, police said.

William Spengler opened fire on the volunteers as they responded to a blaze just before 6 a.m. ET in a small cluster of homes along Lake Ontario in Webster, N.Y., police said …The two injured firefighters, Theodore Scardino and Joseph Hofstetter, were being treated for “significant injuries,” …An off-duty police officer was also injured when he was hit by shrapnel after his car took bullets to the windshield and engine block…After the shooting, the fire grew to engulf at seven homes and one motor vehicle…

Excerpted fromhttp://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/24/16125861-gunman-who-ambushed-firefighters-killed-grandmother-in-1980-police-say?lite=

 And that is the absurdity of Wayne LaPierre’s statements following the Newtown CT. shooting. The simple logic at a dozen differnt points is absent from the NRA. The very least of which is, shootings happen everywhere in this society because of the proliferation of guns, and  a sinmplistic attitude regarding them. The culture does not accept them as a tool but as a symbol of defiance and autonomy, which they are not in a civil society. those who content we are not a civil society, and that we must have more guns, beacuse in the 21st Century only the threat of violence will compel us to better humanity, are as dangerous as the  street-corner gangbanger. Reasonably guns may not be the problem, but they are certainly part of the problem. The failure to acknowledge that fact discredits the NRA fully as first an unbiased critic and ultimately as a group possessing intelligent or productive insight.

About 900poundgorilla

W.C. Turck is a Chicago playwright and the author of four widely acclaimed books.His latest is "The Last Man," a prophetic novel of a world ruled by a single corporation. His first novel, "Broken: One Soldier's Unexpected Journey Home," was reccommended by the National Association of Mental Health Institutes. His 2009 Memoir, "Everything for Love" chronicled the genocide in Bosnia and the siege of Sarajevo. His third book "Burn Down the Sky" is published exclusively on Amazon Kindle. It was in Sarajevo at the height of the siege where he met and married his wife, writer and Artist Ana Turck. FOX NEWS, ABC, CBS News, the Chicago Tribune and The Joliet Herald covered their reunion after the war. He helped organized relief into Rwanda during the 1994 genocide. Turck has been a guest on WMAQ-TV, WLS in Chicago, WCPT, WBBM radio, National Public Radio, Best Of the Left and the Thom Hartmann show. He has spoken frequently on Human Rights, Genocide and Nationalism. In 2011, his play in support of the Occupy Movement, "Occupy My Heart-a revolutionary Christmas Carol" recieved national media attention and filled theaters to capacity across Chicago. He remains an activist to the cause of human rights and international peace. View all posts by 900poundgorilla

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